About Illa
Illa Lynn is a recovering people pleaser and narcissistic abuse survivor of over a decade. As a Certified Relationship Coach and Dating Guide, she currently serves corporate women over 30 to proudly and confidently step into their authenticity, attract a long-lasting loving partner, and build a romantic connection founded on trust, honesty, and integrity.
About this Episode
In this episode, I'll discuss, with Illa Lynn, 3 steps to transitioning out of toxic love.
By following these steps, you'll be on your way to finding real love.
Love can be beautiful and empowering, but sometimes it can be toxic.
There are three simple steps you can take to find real love:
recognize and break the trauma bond,
line up your support system,
implement your exit plan.
By following these steps, you'll be on your way to breaking your toxic relationships and finding the Real Love you've been searching for!
Connect with Illa
Here is Illa’s link tree: https://linktr.ee/Illalynn
Illa’s website: https://illalynnlifecoaching.wixsite.com/mysite
You can email her at illa.lynn@inspireblissfuljoy.net
and also text her at +1 949-243-0553
She lives in Orange County, near Los Angeles, in California
Download here Illa Lynn’s 1-page media kit
YouTube video recording available
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