Julie in her own words
From the outside looking in, people would have thought, I was living the perfect life 8 years ago. I was married to my best friend and homeschooling our four amazing kids on 30 acres in upstate New York. But I had one major problem - I never felt well. Even though I tried to live as naturally as possible, I was experiencing chronic health problems.
Through a battery of questions, my doctor determined that the cause of my issues could be stress, and diving further she pinned it on the toxic relationship I had with my mother... It was making me sick.
My doctor’s recommendation was to work on my relationship with my mom, which I questioned if that was even possible after so many years of me trying to make it “right” but always ending in extreme emotional hurt. My doctor’s recommendation then was to sever the relationship to give me time and space for the needed healing. She also recommended that I try different medications to help my body restore the physical balance in my body, but I felt that a more natural approach was the way to go.
At that time, I had a dear friend who kept talking to me about these “little bottles” of essential oils. On that day after my visit with my doctor, I reached out to her and told her, “I want those oils and the big reference guide too.” I started to use the essential oils daily, and it was a miraculous transformation...within six weeks I was feeling better.
Able now to take a deep breath, I started the journey of inner work, exploring my relationship with my mother, knowing that I had to make a change in order to thrive and live well. My mother has always operated from the stance of “her way or the highway,” easily eliminating those in her life who did not see her perspective and then attacking them vehemently for their personal stance. Everything was always black and white for her. Looking back, I realized that this left no room for me when I was growing up to find my voice and spread my wings because one of my core principles was that of the peacemaker. I would bow to her desire to keep order and bottle my emotions, feelings, and desires thinking that it was not worth it for me to find myself. However, with my state of dis-ease, I recognized that it was time to stand tall with my shoulders back and speak my truth. I was determined that I would put up a strong boundary to protect my wellness and this led to me finally putting closure on the toxic and abusive relationship with my mother. I stepped forward into becoming ME!
This newfound wellness gave me the opportunity to really look into the root cause of some of my chronic health issues...suppressed emotions. Feelings buried alive never die but surface as dis-ease. My desire to understand emotions, feelings and resulting actions led me to become an Aroma Freedom Technique practitioner in 2017.
Sharing about health and emotional wellness became my new passion. I’ve felt so blessed on this journey. I’m supporting my family and transforming lives, all the while doing something I love. This gives me tremendous peace, purpose, and joy.
Connect with Julie
Website: www.julieannburgess.com
Email: julieburgess4@gmail.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/julieannburgess/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/julie.burgess.777
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-burgess-206615b9/
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