Gemma’s Gem
Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse
S3E70 Re-Engineer Your Life and Find Yourself with Priya Kumar

S3E70 Re-Engineer Your Life and Find Yourself with Priya Kumar

Real Talk Real Women with Priya Kumar, business coach, women empowerment, financial coach

Priya Kumar’s short bio

Priya is a financial coach. Her mission is to empower women by demystifying money and providing them with an infrastructure that allows them to build confidently.  She coaches her clients on how to build a relationship with their money, heal financial trauma, and understand finances by breaking it into bite-size digestible pieces. She works with nonprofits that serve survivors of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and sex trafficking to help them rebuild their lives. As a survivor herself, she knows how hard it is to take that first step. And now she's on a mission to empower women just like hers. 

Connect with Priya

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Buy Priya’s gratitude journal on Etsy:

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Gemma’s Gem
Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse
The Real Talk Real Women show is a valuable resource for individuals who have experienced abuse or toxic relationships and are looking for support and guidance on their healing journey.
The show features strong and powerful women who have overcome their own challenges and are now helping others do the same. 
Gemma Serenity has such a diverse and extensive background in education and personal development. She uses her experiences and expertise to help others build confidence, self-love, and success in various areas of their lives.
The mission of this show is to raise awareness about abuse and provide support for individuals who have experienced it, by making a positive impact in the world.