Gemma’s Gem
Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse
S3E68 Heal Generational Trauma - Grieve our relationships with Kristin Summers

S3E68 Heal Generational Trauma - Grieve our relationships with Kristin Summers

Real Talk Real Women with Kristin Summers, 6-times award winning journalist, app creator, speaker, and writer.

Kristin’s introduction

Passive aggressiveness is one thing, and covert passive aggressiveness is another. Kristin became familiar with the latter and learned to tell the difference in her 12-year marriage to someone with covert passive-aggressive narcissistic traits. She left the marriage a few days before the world went into quarantine, and moved to the basement for 18 months as she began to rebuild her life and business for herself and her children. Now she's dedicated a part of her life to spreading awareness and giving the one thing no one can take from us - hope.

Kristin is a six-time award-winning journalist, app creator, speaker, and writer. She's the Founder and CEO of Back to Self-Care, a self-care experience company that opens, empowers, and educates minds about mindful self-care through products and services based on thousands of hours of her research in self-care she developed into a practicing framework called The 5-Pillars of Self-Care.

Connect with Kristin

location: Kansas City, MO
IG: Missselfcareceo
TikTok: SelfCareCEO
Free Self-Care Emergency Checklist -

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Gemma’s Gem
Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse
The Real Talk Real Women show is a valuable resource for individuals who have experienced abuse or toxic relationships and are looking for support and guidance on their healing journey.
The show features strong and powerful women who have overcome their own challenges and are now helping others do the same. 
Gemma Serenity has such a diverse and extensive background in education and personal development. She uses her experiences and expertise to help others build confidence, self-love, and success in various areas of their lives.
The mission of this show is to raise awareness about abuse and provide support for individuals who have experienced it, by making a positive impact in the world.