About Fiona
Fiona McDonagh is a Holistic Therapist based in the West of Ireland.
She practices 1-1 Acupuncture, Craniosacral therapy, Massage, Yoga, and Life Coaching.
Group work, Sound Bath Meditations, Restorative Yoga with Sound Bath Savasana!
Celtic Themed Women's Circles. She has treated from one-week-old babies to 92-year-old people in person.
She believes that sometimes we all need a Hand, whether that is mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. This is why she named her business Lámh Clinic, as this means the hand clinic, and it’s pronounced almost like “love” in Irish.
She is available for online work. She is also the mum of 3 teens, 2 dogs & owned by a cat named Juno!
What Fiona loves most, besides her family, is herbal tea, walking out in nature, gardening, Yoga, and being an eternal student.
Get in touch with Fiona
website: www.lamhclinic.ie
Email address: fiona@lamhclinic.ie
phone number of the clinic: +353 87 223 2394
Instagram @lamhclinicgalway
Facebook page: Lámh Clinic https://www.facebook.com/lamhclinic.acupuncture.craniosacral.soundtherapy
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