Gemma’s Gem
Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse
S1E4 | When Victims Become Criminals | With Renée La Montagne Dunn
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S1E4 | When Victims Become Criminals | With Renée La Montagne Dunn

Real Talk Real Women with Renée La Montagne Dunn, Co-Founder of New View Concepts, LLC, and the non-profit GO Broken to Beautiful Foundation, The Prison Project

GO Broken To Beautiful Manual: What To Do When Life Leaves You Broken, by Jesse L. Dunn and Renée La Montagne Dunn

GO Broken To Badass Manual For Men

Now a #1 International Bestseller!

To one degree or another, everyone who has ever lived has been there. Everyone experiences trials. Everyone deals with hardship. Everyone encounters disappointment and failure. Everyone has times of sorrow, grief, darkness, and fear. Life plays no favorites. Old or young. Male or female. Rich or poor. Famous or unknown. The relentless waves of life's ebb and flow forcefully crash against the plans and desires and hopes and dreams of every single person.

At times these tides will inevitably leave you broken. The question is what do you do about it? What can you do when you are submerged in grief that cannot be spoken and pain that goes on and on? What can you do when loneliness, depressions, discouragement, and sorrow completely consume you? Whatever the source--divorce, disability, disease, bankruptcy, death of a loved one, mental illness, trauma of any kind--how do you go from Victim to Victor?

Now, from New View Concepts, comes a practical guide, a manual that is designed to help you go from broken to beautiful badass. It gives you the step-by-step process distilled from the lives of people who have been broken and who have worked and put themselves in a place of healing. It is real life.

This manual teaches the principles and gives the practical tools found in the GO Broken to Beautiful™ and GO Broken to Badass™ coach-led training courses. In this book, the objective--and hopefully your ultimate goal-- is to walk from darkness into light so that you can become stable, then successful, and then finally lay hold upon every good thing. While we sometimes feel as though we are drowning in the things that we have experienced, you can walk away from the bad things, you can develop new strength, and you can grow in the process.

You will learn life skills, new habits to successfully cope with abuse, addiction, the profound loss associated with divorce or financial failure, or grief from the death of a loved one. This book will help you overcome the traps of stress and anxiety, procrastination, complacency, and fear that keep so many people from realizing their divine potential.

It will also give you powerful tools to find your life purpose, improve your relationships with others, enhance your spirituality, and respond with resilience to adversity. You will increase in personal power as you increase your ability to respond--your "response-ability."

Stop the negative thought patterns that drag you down into depression and darkness. Rise up to the life you were intended to live at a profound level, a life that is better in every way.

Because being better is better than simply feeling better.

Renée La Montagne Dunn



Experience with Battered Women Syndrome, Rape, Abandonment, Abuse, Addiction, Christian Oriented


Renée La Montagne Dunn, the Vice President of Marketing at New View Concepts, LLC and Co-Author of the GO Broken to Beautiful Badass Course™, is a Thought Educator, a Certified Personal Response-Ability™ Coach, and is the wife of Jesse Dunn, Founder, and CEO of New View Concepts, LLC.

Renée comes from a life filled with entrepreneurial and life experience. She holds a Business Certificate from Merritt Davis Business College, is a real estate investor, an author, and has owned many motels, wilderness lodges, restaurants, and is a successful network marketer.

Renée’s expertise comes from her leadership in business, fortifying the internal motivation, vision, and self-development of her many employees, and those in the GO Broken to Beautiful Badass™ Course. Renée has also been broken by life. She has overcome the trauma associated with abuse, abandonment, rape, loss, divorce, and depression. She is the mother of an alcoholic daughter and brings to the table her experience and knowledge about addiction/alcoholism/enabling/recovery. Renée’s story of brokenness and success provides an empathy and expertise unchallenged. Her success is based on the foundation of Jesus Christ.



When you change the face of a man, of a woman, of a family, of a community, you change the face of a nation. 

Please see this short video overview:   GB2Bprisonproject32622.mp4 

(if the link doesn’t work, copy-paste this one:

We are on a magnificent journey to take the rapidly life-changing, spiritually grounded GO Broken to Beautiful™ and GO Broken to Badass™ (GB2B/BA) Courses into all the jails and prisons nationwide—and we need you! 

The GO Broken to Beautiful Foundation, The Prison Project, is dedicated to providing training and coaching for people who are incarcerated, people who have been incarcerated, and people whose at-risk behaviors are predictive of future incarceration.

The GB2B/BA Life Coach-led Course provides a whole-person approach intended to develop and expand the individual's proficiency in identifying their life purpose and to ignite the resolve to intentionally direct personal choices designed to realize that life purpose.

The Course, combined with the #1 International Bestselling Client Manual (GO Broken to Beautiful: What to Do When Life Leaves You Broken), our trained and certified volunteer Personal Response-Ability Coaches™ (Life Coaches) give inmates and former inmates hope. Our objective is to reduce recidivism, and stop generational abuse, crime, indigence, and addiction.

GB2B/BA is a spiritually grounded Course proven to aid program participants to learn:

• solid life skills and habits

• quantum thought tools to stop negative thinking patterns (that take them down into depression, or destructive behaviors)

• to live in a new, positive paradigm (fostering a life of integrity and respect for humankind)

• to set and live within healthy boundaries (recognizing and eliminating toxic relationships)

• to become responsible and service-minded citizens

• to address past traumas (“re-writing” difficult memories that trigger emotional panic and paralyzation)

• discover their purpose (why they are here on earth, what they are born to do)

• good communication skills (how to “resolve” rather than “dissolve” relationships when issues arise)

• to overcome procrastination, self-sabotage, financial failure, and poor self-image

• develop a stronger relationship with God (to be accountable not only to themselves but to a power greater than themselves)

• that “mistakes” do not define us

• to forgive their perpetrators—and themselves (many have found peace for the first time)

• walk with integrity (their word is their bond)

• to live in the love/caring paradigm (relationships become more important than being right or wrong, decisions are based on a “win/win” outcome)

Inmates are learning basic skills that will help them in all six areas of life: physical, social, financial, business and career, and emotional/mental/psychological, spiritual.  They learn and practice tools to overcome their broken state and ignite a new life of peace, love, and significance, becoming stronger, wiser, more capable, more resilient, and more confident than ever before. We help inmates create and implement their personal, step-by-step life plan to achieve success without the stress of fear, judgment, or guilt.

It is very difficult for a former inmate to get a good-paying job when released from prison. Through the GB2B Foundation, we are teaching the inmates who want to, to become mentors and trained and certified Personal Response-Ability Coaches™ (Prison PRACs) employed by the Foundation, to take these life-changing courses into the jails and prisons nationwide--just one way to inspire a life of purpose and passion, an occupation that fosters self-satisfaction, self-worth, and a sense of great accomplishment.

If your life purpose aligns with this “mission,” we invite you to jump on board and get involved by endorsing, fundraising, volunteering, DONATING, and/or supporting this magnificent endeavor.



Email: for more information. PH: 208-403-9083