💫Helping Faith-Based Coaches and Entrepreneurs Quantum Leap 💫
Xenia’s short bio
Xenia is a mom of three boys and an empowerment coach! Her boys are her world. In fact, she began on this journey of self-realization to change their life, to build a legacy for them. And although that remains her #1 motivating factor, what she realized was she was meant for more… a whole lot more! Xenia realized that she was here for a reason, a destiny to help others.
In studying herself, she found she was not simply her name, not simply a title. She was a consciousness, a divine being placed in this specific life to serve a higher purpose, her destiny.
Xenia’s legacy is to help and encourage people to find their purpose, their calling, their DESTINY!
Connect with Xenia
Facebook group “The Quantum Leap Community for Christian Women Coaches”: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thequantumleapcommunity
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/xeniaswignan
Email: wignanx@gmail.com
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